
Work with me

Individual Services:

  • Social Media

    • Content planning
    • Custom Graphics
    • Stories & Engagement
    • Reels
    • Captions Writing
    • SEO Friendly Blog/Article
    • Upload & Schedule 20 pieces of content
    in a month per platform
    • Trend Research
    • Pull Analytics
    • Monthly Report on Social Media
    • Analytics/Performance

  • Brand Identity Development

    • Define brand’s mission, values and goals
    • Develop a brand personality
    • Create a brand name
    • Develop a catchy tagline
    • Design a brand logo
    • Choose a color palette & other visuals that represents the brand
    • Develop key brand messages and value propositions
    • Design brand assets such as business cards, letterheads, packaging and brand merchandise
    • Identify potential brand collaborators and partners

  • Customer Success

    • Appointment & Calendar Management
    • Email Support
    • Phone Support
    • DM/Chat Support

  • Website Management

    • Build/maintain professional websites.
    • Update website content, images, and product/service listings.
    • Optimize website for search engines (SEO).
    • Manage online appointments and bookings through website integration.

  • Lead generation
  • Research

Bundled Services:

  • The DVC Glow

    This bundle is ideal for budding entrepreneurs with dreams of starting their own beauty business but feeling overwhelmed by the process.
    • Brand Identity Development
    • Social Media Starter Kit
    • Website Setup

  • The DVC Glitter

    This bundle is ideal for entrepreneurs who have successfully launched their business but still face challenges and struggle to achieve their growth goals. • Brand Audit & Guide
    • Social Media Analysis & Revamp
    • Website Check and Overhaul

  • The DVC Sparkle

    This bundle is ideal for entrepreneurs who have successfully launched and achieved their initial growth goals but want to take it to the next level. • Brand Evolution and Expansion
    • Strategic Marketing and Growth
    • Campaign
    • Innovative Product Development
    • Strategic Partnership and Collaboration
    • Customer Experience Enhancement

  • The DVC Bespoke

    This is ideal for entrepreneurs who need custom and tailored services to align with their goals.

Admin & Backend Services

  1. Email & Calendar Management
  • Responding to routine emails
  • Filtering out spam and irrelevant emails
  • Reaching out to brands and collaborators on your behalf
  1. Weekly Meeting
  • Calendar management
  • Workflow for client updates
  • Reminders of upcoming events
  1. Filing and Data Management
  • Organizing digital documents in cloud storage
  1. Travel Arrangements
  • Booking flights
  • Arranging accommodations and transportation
  1. Research
  • Gathering information for projects
  • Analyzing trends and competitors
  1. Coordination
  • Coordinating with freelancers and other teams on your behalf
  1. Client Communication
  • Drafting proposals
  • Creating newsletters and campaigns
  1. Technical Support
  • Resolving technical and software issues
  • Managing installations and updates

Social Media Management Services

  1. Optimizing Social Media Profiles:
  • Updating profile photos
  • Setting up highlights for visibility
  1. Content Management:
  • Scheduling and optimizing content across platforms
  • Creating and curating text, images, videos, and graphics
  • Content calendars for advanced planning
  1. Quality Assurance:
  • Ensuring content meets industry and platform standards
  • Adapting to current social media trends
  1. SEO Optimization:
  • Enhancing your social media for search engines
  1. Ad Campaigns:
  • Implementing client-approved ad campaigns for more followers and brand awareness
  • Custom campaigns available (see our custom section)
  1. Analytics and Reporting:
  • In-depth analysis of social media performance
  1. Engagement and Community Management:
  • Responding to comments, mentions, and messages
  • Addressing follower questions and providing conversion links
  1. Online Group Management:
  • Moderation and administration of online groups

*Combining 2 offers on the same tier leads to a 15% discount…please contact me for a discount code

Custom Offers

Social Media Audit (£249):

  • Thorough evaluation of your current social media presence
  1. Campaign & Strategy Consultation & Execution
  2. Websites
  3. Branding
  • Letterhead
  • Business cards
  • Brand guide
  • Primary and secondary logos
  • Color palettes
  • Sample branding ideas